In this blog you will learn how to best deal with a cockroach infestation.
There are encounters in life that you would rather do without. The sight of cockroaches in your own home is definitely one of them. Cockroaches are one of the species that have evolved to adapt to extreme and unfriendly living conditions. What does that mean? Cockroaches are true survivors who defy extremely low or high temperatures, an above-average acidic environment or even nuclear radiation and continue to exist. This robust nature must be taken into account when dealing with a cockroach infestation. The pests have evolved over time and will not be easily chased away. Today we will share our knowledge with you on how to effectively combat cockroaches.
There are about 4,000 different species of these insects in the world. In your home, if you're unlucky, you'll only come across three species - the German cockroach, the common cockroach (also called the Oriental cockroach) and the American cockroach. These house pests live mainly in groups, are active at night and like to stay in dark, damp places where they can hide and rest. They therefore prefer sewers, steam pipes and basements.
You don't become a survivor by being picky about what you eat, so cockroaches will eat anything. Be careful not to leave food scraps lying around and inadvertently provide a food source. Cockroaches have long antennae, often longer than their bodies; adult insects have wings, but they don't use them. Their legs are covered in fine hairs that sense air movement. Combined with an extremely sensitive nervous system, they are able to change direction 25 times in just one second! This makes them extremely agile and nimble, and extremely difficult, if not impossible, to catch. Cockroaches are also known for their ability to withstand extreme conditions: they can hold their breath for an hour, go without food or water for 40 days, and even maintain all vital functions for a week if they lose their heads.
If you suspect a cockroach infestation, you must thoroughly inspect all damp and darkened rooms. Carry out the inspection one to two hours after sunset. Cockroaches only leave their hiding places after dark to search for food.
Equip yourself with a flashlight. This will help you locate the insects. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices, as cockroaches like to hide in small spaces. If you are lucky and find the place from which the cockroaches have access to your home, seal it well to keep the pests out.
Get rid of cockroaches
Before we get to the control methods, the basis for your further actions must first be created and this is: a sparkling clean home. If the cockroaches cannot access food or water within your four walls, then they will also lose interest in your house. Therefore, it is especially important to clean all floors, furniture and kitchen cupboards thoroughly. Do not leave any food scraps lying around and take out the garbage regularly. Keep food in sealable containers. If you have a leaky faucet, have this repaired as well, as the leaking water can be used by cockroaches.
There are numerous ways to get rid of cockroaches. If used correctly, any of these methods can effectively get rid of cockroaches. In some cases, however, the help of an exterminator is required. If the cockroach infestation is particularly large and your house or even your business is affected, you should get professional help as quickly as possible. The health risks posed by cockroaches are a major problem, especially for production plants and the catering industry, as the pests can contaminate food and surfaces, damage stored food and be a nuisance for employees. We would be happy to tell you what you can do yourself and what methods are available to combat cockroach infestations.
Cockroach poison is a very effective way to control cockroaches in enclosed spaces. Unlike other pest control methods, it does not require business closures or special preparation of the rooms. In addition to a substance that kills the insects, cockroach poison also contains powerful attractants that encourage the cockroaches to consume the poison.
Cockroach poison comes in three forms:
- Fluid
- gel
- Firmly
As described above, cockroaches are true survivors. This is also due to their cannibalistic nature, as cockroaches do not shy away from eating their dead mates. The use of bait gel or poison bait takes advantage of this characteristic and triggers a cascade effect, ie the poison kills one cockroach, which is then eaten by another, and so on. The bait gel is placed in strategic places in the rooms where the cockroaches are.
After feeding, cockroaches often return to the hiding place where they defecate in groups. This is where the cascade effect comes into play. Any cockroaches (except the egg) in the nest that eat the feces, saliva or carcass of an infected individual will also be infected by the poison. Transmission can also occur through direct contact with toxins from bait placed in a cockroach hiding place. Pest control takes advantage of the cascade effect, which means that significantly less poison needs to be applied without sacrificing successful eradication.
A fogger is used as a particularly effective means of controlling a large cockroach infestation in enclosed spaces. An insecticide is distributed throughout the room using an automatic sprayer. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to carry out the fogging safely.
This method is suitable for households that do not want to use insecticides and value environmentally friendly pest control. The heat method successfully eradicates all cockroaches, at every stage of their life.
The cockroaches are eliminated by sealing the room and then, thanks to special devices that blow hot air, increasing the air temperature in the room to 60 °C and killing the pests.
The spray method against cockroaches works best in small spaces such as apartments, houses, small shops and restaurants. With this method, you use a cockroach concentrate that is diluted with water according to the instructions on the label. The solutions can differ in their active ingredients and their concentration and therefore in their effectiveness and area of effect. The prepared solution of the cockroach control agent should be distributed with a sprayer in places where the cockroaches have nests, hiding places, tunnels and feeding places.