Enemies in the house: The fly
March 02, 2022
Geschrieben von Markus Schmidt
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FLYING We all look forward to spring and warm temperatures. Unfortunately, this beautiful season also brings with it annoying and uninvited house guests - flies. Questions arise: Where do the insects come from? How can you protect your rooms from them? Are flies just a...
How do you get rid of fleas in your home?
March 02, 2022
Geschrieben von Markus Schmidt
HOW TO GET RID OF FLEAS FROM YOUR HOME? EFFECTIVE METHODS TO GET RID OF FLEAS. Our four-legged friends are our best friends, but unfortunately they can also bring unwanted guests into the house - fleas. If you notice that your dog or cat has fleas, then first of all...
How do I choose the best poison for rats?
November 16, 2021
Geschrieben von Markus Schmidt
THE BEST RAT POISON - RANKING If you want to carry out pest control, the first thing you need to do is find out who you are dealing with. The next step is to choose a suitable rodenticide preparation. Rat and mouse poison comes in different forms and with different...
How do I get rid of mice from my house?
November 16, 2021
Geschrieben von Markus Schmidt
HOW TO GET RID OF MICE? EFFECTIVE MEANS FOR MOUSE CONTROL IN THE HOUSE AND IN OTHER ROOMS There are more than 30 species of mice. The most common include the house mouse, the field mouse, the white-footed mouse and the deer mouse. The house mouse, which is the most...